Provider Wellness Podcast
Provider Wellness Podcast
The Last Going Viral Podcast Episode!
Hey Folks! It's been close to a year since I've uploaded an episode of Going Viral. Due to business issues and personal activities getting overwhelming, the show took a back seat. I am uploading this quick episode to announce that I will be restarting the show with a new name. It will now be called The Provider Wellness Podcast. I have decided to get more focused on a much needed subject and that is healthcare provider health and wellness. The show will maintain much of its original format but I will be dialed in a bit more on this important issue. Thanks to all who have hung in there with me and I look forward to this next chapter!
Check back often for more episodes pertaining to health and wellness for healthcare providers and caregivers.
Please send your questions to goingviralpodcast@gmail.com
Website: goingviral.buzzsprout.com
Please go to providersymposium.com to learn more about The Provider Wellness Symposium.
Thanks for listening and please subscribe and share this episode.