Provider Wellness Podcast
Provider Wellness Podcast
COVID-19 and Cell-Mediated Immunity: A physician discusses an alternative perspective on preventing spread.
In todays episode, Matthew speaks with Board Certified ER Physician, Dr Jeff Gusky. He has put his 36 year medical career on hold to work on an initiative to change the population's perspective on how COVID-19 is spread. His research and statistics are showing that if one takes steps to improve personal immunity, then mass spread can be prevented. This is cell mediated immunity which he will define and discuss at length in the episode. Dr Gusky then gives strategies to prevent infection on an individual basis. He believes that if these ideas are adopted by the general population, then cell mediated herd immunity is possible. This is a thought provoking, alternative way to look at COVID-19 infection, spread, and immunity.
Dr Gusky's personal website and National Geographic photo collection
The City of Roma Visualizing Hope Campaign
The City of Roma Get Started, Get Tested, Get Right Campaign
Link to a list of simple measures that Dr Gusky recommends
Simple Measures Anyone Can Do
Check back often for more episodes pertaining to health and wellness and issues concerning the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Website: goingviral.buzzsprout.com
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